
Confession Day 3

I struggle with being very angry at "Christians" whose fruit is hypocritical to Christ. Especially in a political/nationalism way. I wonder what Word they read, that makes them relocate the promise land to America. How they would treat the Messiah when He only spoke Hebrew? What scripture says God's people are required to pick a party & vote? Wonder where they started believing that they had to look like Christ, except in politics & nationalism. I have to step away from people & social media often, because I would harden my heart to people. Especially God's people. I would forget to turn my light on & speak truth in love. I would scream the very story of the good Samaritan is about a Gentile! The first evangelist was a female Samaritan, deemed unworthy of commingling with God's people! Even though they were literally the blood line of Jacob! Christ was crossing borders & immigration barriers long before we got here to this country. I

Confession Day 2

I had a plan for how my future would look, before I knew the Lord. I had a plan for how my future would look when I met the Lord. I even have plans for how my future will be, knowing the Lord. It has been the hardest thing for me to admit, that I don't trust the Lord with my future. I don't trust Him to give me what I want, as I want it. I don't trust He will let me have what I want, as I want it, & I sure as heck don't trust Him to let me just stray from the path to get it. I struggle daily with saying You know better Lord. I know that You're El Shaddai & a good Abba. I struggle to not be double minded & hypocritical when I speak to the Lord & then walk it out. I will pray, let Your will be done Father. Then hold on to the things that aren't for me like a tree in a hurricane. I will pray God teach me to be a good wife & lead me to my husband. All the while not severing the soul tie to a man I made my own plan with. I will pray

30 Days of Confessions Day 1

Day 1 Confession: I am so different from who I was, when I wasn't in a relationship with The Almighty! Sooo many people can verify that (even the ones who fell away in the pruning). I was excited, comfortable & accepting in being different for a long time. That is how so many fell away, I walked away & grew closer to those who stayed.   I was finally getting to be the me; I hadn’t known I was trying to be. Then one day I wasn't. I can even pin point the time frame; fall 2017. I got tired of being different, always putting my best self forward & having to be the "bigger" or "better" person in every situation. I wanted some fleshly reward/gratification. My old man was coming out of storage, more than ever & I was trying to fit it under my new man apparel.   While I noticed the changes, they were familiar & I kept telling myself it was me being authentic to who God created me to be (pardon me, while even I roll my eyes). I have bee

Never Alone

Tonight I really felt Ps. 27:10 weighing heavy on my heart. It was a scripture given to me by a wonderful woman named Missy when I was dealing with a lot of emotional issues & just hurting. She hugged me tight, then looked right in my eyes & I will never forget her words.  "They don't know what you're going through Jenny. You don't worry about what they say. God will take care of you. When I was dealing with this same thing people said the same things to me. I remember this scripture I found that brought me comfort Psalms 27:10 When your mother & father on earth forsake you the Lord will take care of you." (I paraphrased as our conversation was private) Before I looked up the scripture again I rembered that conversation that took all my hurt & washed it away. Missy was God's mouth & comfort for me that day. She showed me what it meant for God to show up when you need him! I hope that this messages makes it to the person who needs for

Jesus Disciple Challenge

Today, as I was leaving from the movie War Room stepping over trash left on the floor, it made me sad. We were all leaving from seeing a Christian film. The people who work there & others coming in after believe everyone in that theater to be Christians. So our witness to them is we are just as disrespectful seeing a movie about our God as the world watching any other movie. I pick up my trash & I throw it away when I leave, because that is what my mother ingrained in me. If I left a mess in the house she would say, “you must have a maid who works here” or something similar. I also don’t walk & cut people off or make big huffy sighs when people walk slow, because I can still feel my mother’s hand jerking me back from being rude. Her gritted whisper of “you need to wait”.  You are not going to tell my mother you saw me somewhere not doing what I know to do as right. Those principals are even more important for me when I go out into the world & represent my Fath